APAture is Kearny Street Workshop’s annual multidisciplinary arts festival for emerging Asian Pacific American artists in the Bay Area. This year’s theme is “Autonomy'': as we continue to face the challenges of an ongoing pandemic and the cruel realities of socioeconomic disparity, how do our communities find autonomy in our art, in our practices, in our lived experiences. Come celebrate your autonomy at APAture THRIVE, our Music, Performing Arts, and Comics, Zines, and Illustrations showcase! There will be live music and performances and an artist alley of local emerging Asian Pacific American artists!
Curated by Connor Carroll, Paula Mirando, Jackson Wright, Want Chyi, Sam Lee, Dawn Angelicca Barcelona, Marisa Lin, Ivy Chen, Mark Flores, Jasmine Liang, Lucie Pereira, Jingyu Li, Jerry Dear, Angel Angeles
Tickets are free but we are accepting sliding scale donations